JBS | Friboi
“The SONNE project changed the company culture. Internally, people understood the importance of working on the concept of branding applied to the meat market, which was previously just a commodity. This became part of the organization’s DNA.”
Renato Costa, President of JBS Meat Division.
About the case
Before JBS | Friboi changed everything, buying meat at a supermarket was simply a matter of comparing trays, prices, and cuts and then making a choice. The company’s decision to apply classic branding concepts, value chain, and differentiation to this segment was a milestone in the industry and positioned it on another level compared to the competition. However, for the end consumer, it was still difficult to perceive the differences between the brands under the Friboi umbrella, keeping the company from achieving the expected results.
SONNE’s mission was to work on the best segmentation of the Friboi brands so that, in front of a store shelf, the customer would know exactly what they were taking home. However, as the work progressed, SONNE showed the company’s management that it would not be possible to build a new brand architecture without a deep dive into the business. It would also be necessary to have a broad understanding of the sales channels and the origin of the meats processed by JBS | Friboi. Thus it was done, and at the end of the journey, SONNE was also responsible for the redesign of the brand, aiming to improve its visibility on all platforms – including digital. The three pillars of ABOVE ALL©, management, marketing, and design, were addressed over 26 months of work. Due to its scope, the JBS-SONNE case became known even among managers from other business areas.
To revise the architecture, marketing positioning, and branding of the products in order to create greater synergy between them, differentiate them in the market, increase the prestige of each of them, and further strengthen the Friboi brand while increasing its value capture.
Marketing (and Sales)
Through extensive brand architecture work and marketing research, SONNE created the new Friboi-endorsed brands: RESERVA, MATURATTA, DO CHEF, and ANGUS, and the Friboi logo redesign over 26 months. In addition, SONNE structured the new business model for AÇOUGUE NOTA 10, which had positive results in the following implementation period: the number of butchers, which was previously 500 units, increased to 640, an increase of 28%.
“We have a basket of internal indicators to measure results and we have seen improvements in performance, from stock turnover to contribution margin, to insertions in sales points. Until then, meat in the supermarket was just meat. Our work changed that scenario. The design of the brands contributed a lot to this because it was very good and caught the attention of the consumer.”
Renato Costa, President of JBS Meat Division.
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