Circular Economy




US$ 4.5 tn


R$ 8.4 bn



The circular economy is a new economic model that aims to replace the traditional linear approach, prevalent since the industrial era. Inspired by nature’s cycles, where the end of one cycle feeds the beginning of another, the circular economy seeks to create smarter, more sustainable, and profitable product and service chains. In this model, the focus is on waste reduction, extending the lifespan of products, efficient use of resources, and regeneration of natural systems, promoting a healthier and more lasting environmental and economic balance.



Increasing environmental concerns

Disruptions in the global supply chain, caused by various factors such as labor shortages, temporary business interruptions related to COVID-19 outbreaks, and commodity scarcities related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, are driving interest in circularity as a way to reduce waste and increase resilience in supply chains. Moreover, changing consumer expectations and growing environmental concerns are also contributing to this trend. Companies are investing in circularity business plans, and data standards are being developed to enable collaboration across the system to recover used products and transform them into new ones.

Politics as a driver

Politics has been identified as a key factor in the shift towards a circular economy. Governments around the world are implementing policies to promote circularity, such as regulations on waste reduction, extended producer responsibility, and incentives for circular business models. The political framework is essential for creating an enabling environment for circularity and can help overcome market failures, create a level playing field for businesses, as well as stimulate innovation, drive economic growth, and create jobs.


Making better use of finite resources

The concept of a circular economy aims to eliminate waste and pollution, keep products and materials in use for as long as possible, and regenerate natural resources such as forests, soil, water, air, metals, and minerals. This initiative can help make better use of finite resources by reducing waste and extending the lifespan of products and materials. For example, the textile industry can use recycled materials to produce new clothing, reducing the need for virgin resources. The circular economy can also lessen pressure on the environment, improve raw material security, stimulate innovation, drive economic growth, and create jobs. By treating finite resources wisely, we can help ensure that natural resources are available for future generations.


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Society finds itself at a historic decision-making moment. Will we continue to operate under the linear model, or will we pivot to a new model with a different mindset and new tools? 


We must regenerate

Despite the number of terms and concepts that exist, we see a convergence regarding the need to look more closely at examples from nature, where there is no waste and everything regenerates. In addition to natural resources being finite, much financial resource is being wasted. New perspectives are mandatory for us to create business models based on abundance and circularity.


Do you want to take part in this economy?

We believe that in every industry, there are opportunities that can benefit customers and suppliers.

They rely on imagination, innovation, and collaboration.

economia circular capa

We connect the links of the product and service chain by mapping Brazilian companies that operate in the circular economy.




Waste is food

There is no waste in nature. All waste is food for another purpose.

Putting it into practice

We need to stop just studying and creating content, and start doing. Design solutions that can be implemented in practice.


Nurture the environment

To foster the circular economy, it is necessary to engage all actors and participants. 

Putting it into practice

Use the butterfly diagram to design the return to chain for each type of material. Think of industry-wide solutions, such as standardization and durability of consumer goods. 


Ecosystems can be abundant and regenerative. Physics and biology bring many solutions.

Putting it into practice

To think business in a different way, so that one activity enables several cash flows and several benefits for society at the same time.

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We accelerate, invest in, and support startups that have the potential to drive a particular industry towards the circular economy.




Besides being a consultant, she is also an entrepreneur and investor. She has already worked in the advertising market, assisting large clients. In partnership with SONNE, she applies the ABOVE ALL© methodology in the form of business consulting.


Circular Economy – Ellen Macarthur Foundation

Tomorrow one – Aerolito

Miami Xperience – Startse

Futuros – Aerolito

Pesquisador de tendências – Descola

Fractal – Perestroika

Coolhunting and trends – ESPM

Sociedade 5.0 , AI economy, – ESPM

Certificação em foresight – W futurismo

Gestão de negócios e valorização da empresa – FIA

Business Administration and management – MLS international college

Business administration, entrepreneurial and small business operations – WLC college

Empreendedorismo e criação de novos negócios – FGV

Publicidade e propaganda – FAAP